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What to consider before starting a fitness programme

We can always count on people to join commercial gyms with the greatest of intentions each year, only to give up after a few weeks.

The truth is that getting fit can be difficult at first, but it can also be lovely, enjoyable, and gratifying. This article was prepared with the intention of educating, informing, and setting realistic expectations from the start so that you would continue working out after the initial difficulties.

Here are things to consider while thinking about your fitness.

Find the strategy that best serves your objectives.

Fitness is rife with baffling systems, exercise techniques, and gimmicks.

In addition to Yoga, Pilates, Spin-fit, Beach Body, and Crossfit. Literally, hundreds of people claim to be the best. It may become perplexing. which ones do, however?

All of them, that is. Not all of them, though, will fit you perfectly. It will require some time, a lot of trial and error, or some additional study.

It's obviously not a good idea for a 55-year-old to start doing Crossfit or for a 21-year-old who wants to gain muscle to start doing Spin-fit.

The secret is to modify your training routine in accordance with your goals, look to people who have previously attained your objectives, and take their lead.

You might wish to get assistance from a personal coach or trainer. In order to motivate you and hold you accountable, a qualified coach will design your fitness programme around your desired goals.

There Is No Fast Fix

Fast fixes are a fallacy.

Everybody has seen the "wonderful makeovers" that appear on Facebook and Instagram. They portray it as being quick and simple. Sadly, that's not usually the case.

The end outcome is what you can see and read. They don't warn you about the numerous setbacks, failures, or depressing experiences you may have along the way. It omits to mention the drama and life events that interfered with the process.

You have to realise that sometimes your road will be difficult. Hard work, dedication, consistency, and patience are all necessary. To maintain motivation, start focusing on incremental victories. Look into habit stacking as well, which James Clear refers to in Atomic Habits.

In essence, habit stacking promotes the formation of healthy habits by building on existing routines and checking off tasks to increase consistency.

Progress is essential, and even the tiniest advances should be celebrated as successes. Screw excellence! In terms of physical health, done always triumphs over perfect.

Accepting these realities and engaging in habit stacking will greatly increase your chances of reaching your fitness objectives.

You don't have to stop eating the foods that make you happy.

Food and nutrition are two major mental barriers that people have when it comes to fitness. We all have an unhealthy obsession with hedonistic foods, and the majority of us don't want to give them up in favour of the "Broccoli" diet.

The good news is that you don't need to stop enjoying the meals you enjoy. While consuming ice cream or the occasional chippy, you can lose weight. The key is moderation.

If you overindulge a little more on the weekends, try eating a little less during the week to make up for it. Although it seems obvious, you'd be shocked at how many individuals "forget" about that cheeky takeaway on a Saturday night or believe that drinks don't affect their overall intake.

In my experience, most people won't stick with the low fat, low calorie, sin-free health kick. However, it may work for some people. The diet that makes you happy in the end is the one that works for you.

Cut down instead of eliminating, then. While you should eat a sufficient amount of healthy, nourishing foods, you should nonetheless occasionally reward yourself with enjoyable activities. You can always boost your weekly workout to make up for it if you like the enjoyable activities a little bit too much.

Losing weight isn't linear

When you initially start exercising, it's likely that you'll drop a few pounds in the first few weeks. You could. Wow, this is wonderful! It won't take long to reach my target weight. Sadly, that doesn't always happen. You will eventually gain one or two pounds without realising it.

At that time, it was simple to get contemptuous and believe that "this is no longer working." This typically leads to giving up and starting over.

Expectations vs. Reality of Fat Loss

However, there are a number of elements to consider, such as illness, weighing yourself after a large meal, and, if you're a woman, your menstrual cycle. These can all result in weight changes.

It's also possible that after the first few weeks, as you start to see any weight loss, you start adding more "fun foods." People normally make better eating choices when they first start exercising, but with time, their old habits progressively recur, which can cause weight reduction to stall or even a slight weight increase.

You must consider the big picture. There's a reason why it's called a trip. You might move one step forward and two steps back at times. Consider yourself an investor in your own physical well-being. Be patient and don't lose heart if you take a few steps backwards. Be patient and don't lose heart if you take a few steps backwards.

Fitness Can Be More Than Physical

Your body and brain work together. Exercise benefits your physical and mental health, including your brain. In my article "Does Exercise Build A Better Brain?" I explore this in detail.

Actually, you actually provide your brain's cells extra oxygen when your heart rate and blood flow increase. Have you ever gone for a peaceful walk and noticed how your thoughts get more organised? Whether you're walking, swimming, or doing weights, the same idea applies.

Although the majority of people start their fitness journey with an eye toward physical changes, the true benefits come from the emotional and mental shifts that ultimately enhance your quality of life.

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